Prevention is the world's most established healthy lifestyle brand. For nearly 70 years, it has delivered authoritative, trusted information and authentic lifestyle advice that inspires, challenges and leads readers to love their whole life, from nutrition to food, medicine to mood and exercise to the environment.
Joan Salge Blake, RDN, is a clinical associate professor at Boston University and host of "Spot On!", a health, nutrition, and wellness podcast. Blake is also the author of the Nutrition & You (Pearson), and co-author of Nutrition: From Science to You (Pearson). She has conducted more than 2,000 interview on numerous nutrition topics in national media outlets. She is a member of the Prevention medical review board.
Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, RD, is a respected writer, educator, food enthusiast, and award-winning journalist. She is a registered dietitian and certified exercise physiologist with a private practice in San Diego.