Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit
1.2 Prepare Your Kit
1.3 Disaster Supplies Kit Basics
1.4 Disaster Supplies Kit Basics
Chapter 2 - First aid supply
2.1 Drugs
2.2 Dressings
2.3 Other First Aid Supplies
2.4 Survival Kit for Your Home
2.5 Items for safety and comfort
2.6 Survival Kit for Your Automobile
2.7 Important Documents
2.8 Disaster Tools
Chapter 3 - Hygiene
3.1 To Build a Makeshift Toilet
Chapter 4 - Food
4.1 Food for survival:
Chapter 5 - Water
5.1 Ways to purify water
Chapter 6 - Blackouts
6.1 What to do during a blackout
6.2 After the blackout
Chapter 7 - Conclusion
Author Bio
We will begin this book by providing you with the basics, such as the disaster supply kits. You have to be prepared for everything before any disastrous event takes place, because that is the only key to fighting off any mishaps that may occur. We not only give you the basic instructions, but will also supply you with the most important supply off all, the list of all the relevant objects you need. Now, a lot of these things are generally found in any common household, but we provide you with all other extra things that need to be there as well. We will follow it up with the advice of storing all important documents and what kind of documents are the important ones.
Disaster tools are followed by another key section, which is hygiene. When the grid goes down the usual setup of your life alters for a great amount of time, and the mechanisms that we normally rely upon are in disarray. Hence, we give you a list of essentials to make sure that your hygiene remains in good condition, because that will directly impact your health. Furthermore, that will potentially create problems for you in an already tough situation. In this section, we cover the basics all the way to creating a makeshift toilet.
The next section brings us to the issue of food. Here we give you all the do’s and don’ts regarding food supplies. We tell you what foods you have to rely upon and those that you should avoid and keep at bay. Water, although more key in importance, comes after food in our book and after explaining its relevance, we will tell you all the different ways in which you can purify unclean sources for use. We follow it up with general advice with what steps to take during and after the blackout and sum it all up in a conclusion for you.
Read the book and follow it up with all the advice that we present to you. Remember: the key to prevention from any disaster is preparedness. We have done our part now it’s your turn!