Johnson Lane
zombies are the easiest enemy ever, they are rotting corpses that are staggering around somehow a little until their tendons decay & snap off the bones rendering this corpse zomboy a half-a-plegic chunk of stinking meat on the side of the road, going nowhere & doing nothi g but stanking & drawing flys. No real threat is posed by zombies by day 3 their all turning onto gangreneous soup no legs means no life KurT like for us in"*******" Reality"
Kasper Grelling
Apart from a few obvious things, this whole book is a work of fiction, and should not be used in any real event. If you want to prepare for an actual disaster, you better invest in a hardcopy of the S.A.S. survival guide, or similar REAL guide, and use your head. How long is your PAD or I-Phone going to last anyway? Books like this is whats going to put people in harms way...
A Google user
It was an awesome book. It's easily one of my top ten favorites, which is kind of impressive for Max Brooks, mostly considering that one whole corner of my bedroom is entirely composed of bookshelves. It was truly hilarious, and a little scary, which I like. He took zombie-ism, (yes I know that's not a word, but it should be.) separated the Hollywood out of it, and made it believable. It's something I can and will read again and again. I'm going to sound really dumb when I say this, but when I read the section of the book called "recorded attacks" I almost thought he was serious. After reading the book, I honestly wished it wasn't fiction. Though I must admit, it would explain a lot, like why ancient Egyptians removed the brains out of their mummies and etc. And of course, it would explain why there are so many old stories of the undead worldwide. He linked real history and zombie horror so beautifully, I must say this book should be a classic. Either way, fact or fiction, he is a genius, one of my favorite writers. So. I am left with one question. If Max brooks wrote a highly believable book, that clearly states throughout the entire book, one thing; that being "stay away from cities", why does it say on the back of my zombie survival guide that he lives in New York City? Isn't that hypocritical or something?