Sean Conway

Sean Conway is an endurance adventurer and self confessed nutter. He seems to take pleasure in mentally and physically pushing himself way beyond what he thought possible. He started his endurance adventures with a mile swim across a lake at the age of 10 and then again at 12. Sean then took to another water-sport and throughout his teens he competed in many endurance kayak (K1 & K2) marathons. Amongst many other challenges Sean is mostly recognised for climbing Kilimanjaro dressed as a penguin and more recently cycling 16,000 miles through 6 continents in 116 days and doing most of it with a fractured spine after getting run over by a truck in America. His never-give-up attitude captured the imagination of thousands and is now giving talks about setting your goals high, challenging yourself and overcoming tough times. Having grown up in Africa, Sean also focuses his energies on trying to raise awareness about banishing the kerosene lamp from Africa by the end of the decade. This audacious goal is being pioneered by the charity Solar Aid to which Sean supports.