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Sarah MacLean
Sarah MacLean is an American author of young adult novels and romance novels. Her first adult romance novel, Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake debuted on the New York Times Bestseller List, where it stayed for four weeks.
These Summer Storms: A Novel
Daring and the Duke: The Bareknuckle Bastards Book III
Book 3
The Day of the Duchess: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book III
Book 3
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover: The Second Rule of Scoundrels
Book 2
Brazen and the Beast: The Bareknuckle Bastards Book II
Book 2
Heartbreaker: A Hell's Belles Novel
Book 2
A Rogue by Any Other Name: The First Rule of Scoundrels
Book 1
A Scot in the Dark: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book II
Book 2
Bombshell: A Hell's Belles Novel
Book 1
Knockout: A Hell's Belles Novel
Book 3
Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's Heart: Number 3 in series
Heartbreaker: a fiery regency romance, perfect for fans of Bridgerton
Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover: The Fourth Rule of Scoundrels
Book 4
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished: The Third Rule of Scoundrels
Book 3
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake: Number 1 in series
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake
Book 1
The Rogue Not Taken: Scandal & Scoundrel, Book I
Book 1
The Season
Knockout: A passionate opposites-attract Regency romance
Ten Ways to be Adored When Landing a Lord: Number 2 in series
Ten Ways to Be Adored When Landing a Lord
Book 2
Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's Heart
Book 3
How the Dukes Stole Christmas: A Christmas Romance Anthology
A Duke Worth Falling For
Wicked and the Wallflower: The Bareknuckle Bastards Book I
Book 1
Piatkus Entice Sampler: Temptation at your fingertips
Le cercle des canailles (Tome 4) - Discrétion assurée
Book 4
Le cercle des canailles (Tome 3) - Le paria
Book 3
Le cercle des canailles (Tome 1) - Le flambeur
Book 1
Le cercle des canailles (Tome 2) - La curiosité est un vilain défaut
Book 2
La famille St. John (Tome 1) - L'amour en 9 défis
Book 1
La famille St. John (Tome 3) - L'amour en 11 scandales
Book 3
La famille St. John (Tome 2) - L'amour en 10 leçons
Book 2
Les mauvais garçons (Tome 2) - L'amazone aux yeux verts
Book 2
Les mauvais garçons (Tome 1) - Par une nuit sans lune
Book 1
Les diaboliques (Tome 2) - Le temps d'un battement de cœur
Book 2
Les diaboliques (Tome 3) - L'explosive lady Imogène
Book 3
Les sœurs Talbot (Tome 1) - L’inoubliable voyage de Sophie
Book 1
Les sœurs Talbot (Tome 2) - Le colosse venu d’Écosse
Book 2
Les sœurs Talbot (Tome 3) - Le retour de Seraphina
Book 3
Les diaboliques (Tome 1) - Belle de nuit
Book 1
Les mauvais garçons (Tome 3) - La reine de la nuit
Book 3
Prima che l'estate finisca: I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special
Book 3
Entre a ruína e a paixão
Book 3
Diez lecciones para dar caza a un lord y que te adore
Book 2
A Dama e o Monstro
Un scoțian la Londra
Возлюбленная герцога
Ladyens løgn: Bind 1
Hertugens hævn: Bind 2
Um Duque para Amar
Entre o amor e a vingança
Book 1
Nueve reglas que romper para conquistar a un granuja
Book 1
Entre a culpa e o desejo
Book 2
Cucerirea unui libertin
Un canalla que no lo era
Nunca julgue uma dama pela aparência
Book 4
Il quadro di Lily: I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special
Book 2
Un canalla siempre es un canalla
Book 1
Uma Lady Escandalosa
Das verruchte Verlangen einer Lady
Book 126
Der Duke und die Prinzessin der Diebe
Un escocés en la oscuridad
Ziua ducesei
L'esplosiva Lady Sesily
Book 1
HR: The Day of The Duchess
Nunca juzgues a una dama por su apariencia
Book 4
L'eccezionale Miss Adelaide
Book 2
HR: A Scot in The Dark
Explosiva (Hell's Belles 3)
Book 3
Salva por Um Escocês
Den dristige kemiker: Bind 3
Una gentildonna in cerca di guai: I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special
Book 1
A Noiva do Bastardo
Dronningens dilemma: Bind 3
Cilada para um marquês
Lady per sempre (I Romanzi Oro)
A dama e o monstro
Quebra-Corações (Hell's Belles 2)
Book 2
Die wilde Lady Imogen
Скромница для злодея
No hay amor sin espinas
Book 3
Искушение страстью
Lady Felicity y el canalla
A Traição do Duque
La colpa e il desiderio (I Romanzi Oro)
Book 2
Il fuoco di Lady Loveless
Book 3
A traição do duque
Eine Lady lebt gefährlich
Once escándalos para enamorar a un duque
Book 3
Il tradimento del duca: I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special
Book 3
Im sinnlichen Bann des Dukes
Book 136
La trappola del diavolo: I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special
Book 1
Una verità per il duca (I Romanzi Oro)
Book 3
A noiva do bastardo
HR: The Rogue Not Taken
Un irresistibile furfante (I Romanzi Oro)
Amor para um escocês
Sündiger Pakt mit dem Teufel
Book 117
Affascinante imprevisto: I Grandi Romanzi Storici Special
Book 2
O soție potrivită pentru un marchiz
Zece feluri de a fi adorată
Aparențe înșelătoare
Un târg potrivit pentru un duce
Sezonul pasiunilor
Caixa Sarah MacLean – Escândalos e Canalhas
Perigo para um inglês
Unsprezece scandaluri de evitat
O iubită potrivită pentru un conte
Nouă reguli de nesocotit