Rice Broocks is the co-founder of the Every Nation family of churches, which currently includes more than 1,000 churches in more than sixty countries. Present on hundreds of college campuses, Broocks has spent the last thirty years with Every Nation focusing on equipping college students around the world to defend their faith. Broocks also serves as the senior minister of Bethel World Outreach Church in Nashville, Tenn., where he provides oversight for this multi-ethnic, multisite church, currently meeting in locations in Middle Tennessee, Texas, and Arizona. He is the author of several books, including God's Not Dead, Every Nation In Our Generation, and the Purple Book. Broocks holds an MA from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi, as well as a doctorate in missiology from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Broocks lives in Franklin, Tennessee, with his wife, Jody, and their five children.