Muhammad Asim Khan, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA Dr Khan obtained his medical degree in 1965 followed by postgraduate training in the UK and US. In 1973 he served on the faculty of Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio, and retired as a tenured full Professor of Medicine in 2012 to become Professor Emeritus of Medicine. He is Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (FRCP), Master of American College of Physicians (MACP) and American College of Rheumatology (MACR), and a founding member of ASAS, SPARTAN, and GRAPPA devoted to research in AS and SpA. His awards include Distinguished Rheumatologist Award from ACR, Lifetime Achievement Awards from SPARTAN and Ohio Association of Rheumatologists, Spondylitis Association of America's award for "Lifetime of dedication and devotion to people with spondylitis", and their Greg Field Award given to "individuals with AS who have persevered and gone on to be of service to others". He has authored or co-authored seven books on AS-axSpA, over 50 book chapters, and over 250 journal articles.