Martin Cohen is a British philosopher who specialises in philosophy of science and political philosophy. He studied philosophy and social science at Sussex University under some of the early group of philosophers who launched the University's pioneering language and values programme. After teaching and research posts in Britain and Australia, he moved to France to concentrate on his writing, which typically blends 'psychological and social studies with philosophical theory... eschewing technical jargon and using easily understood scenarios to demonstrate the theme', as one reviewer put it. His most popular book, 101 Philosophy Problems has been published in a dozen languages, sold nearly a quarter of a million copies, and is now in its fourth English edition. A book on thought experiments, Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments was selected by The Guardian as one of its 'books of the week’, while Mind Games was selected by France Culture as one of new philosophy books for dissection in the program essai du jour. His book Critical Thinking Skills for Dummies (2015) is popular with educators in the US.