Maria Emmerich is a wellness expert in nutrition and exercise physiology and the founder of Maria's success stems from her passion for helping others reach and sustain optimal health through programs and education that works on a personalized level. Maria has been asked to speak around the world about the ketogenic lifestyle and works with celebrities such as Halle Berry. After struggling with her weight throughout her childhood, Maria decided to study health and wellness so she could help others who are discouraged by their appearance and do not feel their best mentally. She understands the connection between food and how it makes us all feel on the inside and out. Her specialty is brain chemical neurotransmitters and how they are affected by the foods we eat. She is the author more than 16 cookbooks and three nutritional guidebooks, including global bestseller Keto Comfort Foods and Keto-Adapted. Maria’s blog,, includes a unique combination of innovative recipes using alternative ingredients to less-healthy options and easy-to-understand explanations of why these options are better for our health.