Lucinda Gray received her PH.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1977, and her license to practice in California in 1979. She completed a six year post-doctoral program in Integrative Body Psychotherapy and went on to become a teacher of this body oriented work. She has studied Meditation and Eastern philosophy and practiced meditation for 35 years. She trained in Focusing with Eugene Gendlin, Linda Olsen Weber and others. She is a Certifying Coordinator in the Focusing Institute and has been teaching and writing about Focusing since 1975, giving many workshops and conference presentations. In 2009 she designed and led a ground-breaking and highly effective program for teaching Focusing in urban high schools. Lucinda has devoted her life to healing: in clinical practice, in teaching Focusing and as a meditation teacher. She is the author of Focusing: Learn From the Masters, a collection of articles on Focusing by esteemed teachers. Her new book-New World Meditation, Focusing-Mindfulness-Healing-Awakening, is the fruit of her 35 year practice of Mindfulness and Focusing, enriched by the wisdom she gained in clinical practice.