Kavitha Chinnaiyan

Dr. Kavitha Chinnaiyan (Saundaryāmbikā) is a cardiologist and Professor of Medicine at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in Royal Oak, MI. An initiate in the Tāntrik lineages of Śrī Vidyā and Nondual Saiva Tantra (also known as Kashmir Saivisim), she has studied Advaita Vedānta, Ayurveda, and Yoga with teachers across the globe. Her workshops, courses and writings on meditation, Yoga, Tantra, Ayurveda and non-duality strive to bring these time-honored traditions to modern living in practical ways. She is the author of The Heart of Wellness (Llewellyn Publications, January 2018), and Shakti Rising (Non-Duality Press, October 2017), which won the Nautilus Gold Award in the category Religion/Spirituality-Eastern Thought, 2017.