John Elden

John Elden Gibbons is the grandson of the writer and actor Euell Gibbons of Breakfast cereal fame. Euell is considered the father of the modern wild crafting movment.John first appeared on a cereal commercial with his grandfather. His first movie role was as a walk-on extra in the James Bond movie, Diamonds Are Forever, while living in Las Vegas. "Welcome to Rockbottom" is a stand-alone pilot-style short film. Stan and Betty Rockbottom are characters created by John and Teresa Gibbons for their paper log (Plog /FanZine - "Rockbottom Tattler": 3000 units circulated to date).John Elden has a lot of experience to draw upon: he has held a variety of jobs such as teaching, instructing outdoor skills, primitive bushcraft skills, wild food gathering (Wild Crafting)., Import/Export, writing, and construction. John's past duties included a position as a personal protection trainer for NYS OCFS and Juvenal Offender Wilderness Aid (guide/trainer). John is a US Navy vet., He is also completing his ordination as a Chaplin within the Christian community and Instructor (Sensei Level, 3rd Degree, Certification in Christen-based Martial Arts.)John Elden Gibbons has been an NYS licensed guide, writer, adventurer, and videographer, John Elden Gibbons is the grandson of Euell Gibbons.John is the husband of the talented and brilliant author, health expert, performer, and business personality Teresa S. Landry (Teresa Gibbons). The two share an active lifestyle with their children and homesteading earth-friendly life choice.Author of two cookbooks and working on a third, John Elden has also penned a novel First Longhunter.