Jeanette Larson

Jeanette Larson is the author of El día de los niños/El día de los libros: Building a Culture of Literacy in Your Community through Día (American Library Association, 2011), CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries (Texas State Library, 2008), The Public Library Policy Writer (Neal-Schuman, 2008), and Bringing Mysteries Alive For Children and Young Adults (Linworth, 2004) as well as numerous manuals for the Texas Reading Club. She is also the author of Hummingbirds: Facts and Folklore From the Americas (Charlesbridge, 2011). After more than 35 years working in and with public libraries, she now teaches for Texas Woman’s University and is an independent consultant and trainer. She has spoken and written extensively about children’s library services. In 2002 the Texas Library Association honored her work with children with the Siddie Joe Johnson Award and named her Librarian of the Year in 1998.