James Banks

James Banks (DMin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) makes his home in Durham, North Carolina, with his wife, Cari, where James is the founding pastor of Peace Church. James has a gift for encouraging others to draw close to God through a heartfelt relationship in prayer and a fresh understanding of Scripture. James’s books have been translated into several languages and include Prayers for Prodigals, Praying the Prayers of the Bible, Praying the Prayers of the Bible for Kids, and Hope Lies Ahead, which he cowrote with his son, Geoffrey. You can find teaching from James on prayer with the Praying with Jesus video series and Our Daily Bread University’s engaging Prayer Basics course. James is also the author of several magazine articles, is featured on the weekly Encouraging Prayer radio broadcast and podcast, and is a popular speaker for churches and retreats. Find out more by visiting JamesBanks.org.