Aloysius Orjinta is a Nigerian Roman Catholic priest and senior lecturer in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He was ordained a priest in 1990. A holder of two doctorates in French Studies and in German Studies and Political Science, with specialty in International Relations, he is a former Head of Department of Foreign Languages and Literary Studies in the university. He has studied and worked in Italy, Germany, France, and in Nigeria where he currently lives. He attended Urban University, Rome, the University of Saarland, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, University of Grenoble, and the University of Ibadan in addition to his current workplace where he was an undergraduate. A researcher and critic, his academic publications and interest cover religious writings on Christianity and Islam, gender and feminist studies, political discourse, and Euro-African literature with emphasis on German, Francophone and Anglophone works. He is a member of, and has served on, the managing boards of many organisations in Nigeria and outside the country, most times as the head.