Hendra Surya

Hendra Surya was born in Medan City. First as a child, I am sufferer's severe stutter. To utter a single word is not playing hard, like a man who carried the burden of a very extraordinary severity. However, I am had a dream to be like Thomas Alva Edison, want to open up the world. Although always gets abused and are not considered people, I was determined to break through these barriers and want to be able to work. The key, I have to study and read a lot of books, in order to open up the world.Apparently, my persistence reading books, I was able to go beyond the ability of ordinary people harassing me. I was in school achievement was satisfactory. Now, I am able to realize my dream, to open the world through a variety of creative works. I proved deficiency or defect is not the end of everything...Now, I was known as the author of books and books that have been circulated in advance, among other things:Fiction (Novel): Warriors of Dream Pursuer, Hendra Surya Home Publisher, 2013. Bookish Style of Lovemaking, Hendra Surya Home Publisher, 2013.Reinhart, The Incarnation Five Supreme Knights Of Eirounos, (EBook), Kindle Direct Publishing, 2013.Rahasia Sang Maestro Cilik (The Little Maestro Secret), Elex Media Komputindo Publisher Jakarta, 2009.Reinhart, Titisan Lima Ksatria Agung Eirounos, (Reinhart, The Incarnation Five Supreme Knights of Eirounos), Pustaka Obor Populer Publisher Jakarta, 2007. Cinta Sang Idola, (Love Story The idol), Pustaka Obor Populer Publisher Jakarta, 2007. Biarkan Aku Memilih (Let Me Choose), Elex Media Komputindo Publisher Jakarta, 2006. Non-fiction with the title: Cara Belajar Orang Jenius (How To Learn The Genius), Elex Media Komputindo Publisher, Jakarta, 2013. Strategi Jitu Mencapai Kesuksesan Belajar (Surefire strategy to achieve success of learning), Elex Media Komputindo Publisher, Jakarta, 2011.Rahasia Membuat Anak Cerdas dan Manusia Unggul (Secrets to Make Kids Smart and Human Excellence), Elex Media Komputindo Publisher, Jakarta, 2010.Menjadi Manusia Pembelajar (Learners Being Human), Elex Media Komputindo Publisher Jakarta, 2009.Tim Penyusun, Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Sejak Usia Dini, (Authors Team, Drug Abuse Prevention Early Since), BNN Indonesia, 2007. Agar Perkawinan Menjadi Langgeng (Eternal Marriage To Be), Bhuana Ilmu Populer Publisher Jakarta, 2006.