Frederick Martin-Del-Campo, also known as Frederick Martin-In-The-Fields, is a writer/author with a growing reputation among itinerant, avant-garde artists and other writers in California. His writings are now available through international literary venues, and he edits his own blogs, CHILDREN OF ANGER, and the increasingly popular LAST OF THE RED HOT PERVS. Frederick is a native of California. He worked as a teacher of History and ELT studies while pursuing his calling as writer.His most recently published book is the powerful THE MEDITATIONS OF MISERY, which reveals the workings of a mind in permanent suspension from reality. His grandiose opus, CHRONICLES OF WAR AND A WANDERER, has received rave reviews both by individual readers as by professional reviewers since it was released in 2007.His poignant biographies of his ancestors can be procured in a two volume series: BOUND FOR THE PROMISED LAND. He reveals his mastery of the thriller genre with his 2004 release of THE ISLAND OF ESTASIA. Upon undertaking these difficult projects, he felt they would enrich the literature of American and International lore. He has also published a highly-regarded poetic anthology of his own entitled, ON THE HILL OF CONTEMPLATION.His latest contribution to literature, A WETBACK IN REVERSE, could be described as a labor of love and hate as it recounts his experiences and tribulations in Mexico as he sought to find a way home after being left for lost during a crucial time in his life.