Wildlife Mysteries

Latest release: June 1, 2014
Mysteries & Detective Stories · Science & Nature · Bears

About this ebook series

Avery and Evan visit the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge - home to HUMONGOUS ALLIGATORS! "stacked like cordwood!" When the kids overhear rumors of "gator poaching," they are determined to help find the culprits."We gotta protect wildlife!" Clues set in motion a wild adventure filled with science, high-tech gear, and fun! "This is a mystery you can really sink your TEETH into!"æBefore they know it, the kids are mixed up in an adventurous mystery where clues require them to use their best science, technology, engineering and math skills to find the answers! Mystery books have always been a great higher-order, critical thinking genre, and the "real Kid characters" in this series eagerly get into using high-demand Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) skills to solve each mystery!

In this mystery, there are additional pages filled with STEM materials you can use to learn about and solve problems such as:
1. How to convert tons to pounds and pounds to tons
2. Learn about a rhombus
3. Learn about dew point
4. How to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle
5. How to calculate the area of a rectangle
6. Discover the terminology of etymology
7. Expand your knowledge on urban design
8. Impression your friends with your alligator facts
9. Why do you not feed the alligators
10. What is apex predators
11. Explore Global Positioning System (GPS)

This mystery is geared for boys and girls ages 7-14 and features bother and sister, Avery and Evan, who help their mystery book writer grandmother solve wildlife related mysteries. The Wildlife Mystery series has a strong focus on STEM.

TLike all of Carole Marsh's Mysteries, this mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities.

Below is the Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 3-6
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 5.1
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 163111
Lexile Measure: 790
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40