English Word Power

Latest release: September 14, 2020
Lexicography · Etymology · Dictionaries

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500 Words and Their Synonyms

A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word.

Sample This:

English Synonyms – A

001. ABET -- (meaning) to encourage somebody to do something illegal

Synonyms for ‘Abet’ --

incite / instigate / provoke


002. ABEYANCE -- (meaning) being stopped for a period of time

Synonyms for ‘Abeyance’ --

dormancy / intermission / suspension


003. ABILITY -- (meaning) the fact that somebody is able to do something

Synonyms for ‘Ability’ --

aptitude / capability / competence / knack / potential / proficiency / skill / talent


004. ABLAZE -- (meaning) burning; on fire

Synonyms for ‘Ablaze’ --

aflame / afire / alight


005. ABRASIVE -- (meaning) not smooth

Synonyms for ‘Abrasive’ --

coarse / harsh / rough


006. ABSENCE -- (meaning) not available, present, etc.

Synonyms for ‘Absence’ --

nonexistence / nonappearance / nonattendance


007. ABSTRUSE -- (meaning) difficult to understand

Synonyms for ‘Abstruse’ --

arcane / complicated / convoluted / esoteric / garbled / inarticulate / incoherent / incomprehensible / indecipherable / inexplicable / intricate / obscure / rarefied / recondite / unfathomable / unintelligible / unplumbed


008. ABUSE -- (meaning) unfair or cruel treatment

Synonyms for ‘Abuse’ --

brutality / cruelty / exploitation / ill-treatment / maltreatment / mistreatment / misuse / spitefulness / viciousness


009. ABYSS -- (meaning) a very deep crack in the ground

Synonyms for ‘Abyss’ --

chasm / gulf


010. ACCEDE -- (meaning) to agree to a demand, request, proposal, etc.

Synonyms for ‘Accede’ --

acquiesce / approve / assent / commend / comply / endorse / grant / permission / ratify / sanction


011. ACCENTUATE -- (meaning) to make something more noticeable

Synonyms for ‘Accentuate’ --

emphasize / highlight / underline / underscore


012. ACCLIMATIZE -- (meaning) to get used to the new situation

Synonyms for ‘Acclimatize’ --

adapt / adjust


013. ACCOMPLISH -- (meaning) to succeed in getting something

Synonyms for ‘Accomplish’ --

attain / conquer / manage


014. ACCOST -- (meaning) to come near to somebody/something

Synonyms for ‘Accost’ --

advance / approach / confront


015. ACCREDITED -- (meaning) officially recognized

Synonyms for ‘Accredited’ --

certified / endorsed / licensed


016. ACCRUAL -- (meaning) increase in something over a period of time

Synonyms for ‘Accrual’ --

accretion / addition / amassing / buildup / gathering


017. ACCUSE -- (meaning) to say somebody is guilty of something

Synonyms for ‘Accuse’ --

arraign / blame / charge / impeach / indict / prosecute


018. ACQUIT -- (meaning) to say officially that somebody is not guilty of a crime

Synonyms for ‘Acquit’ --

absolve / exculpate / exonerate


019. ADMIRATION -- (meaning) praise or approval

Synonyms for ‘Admiration’ --

acclaim / accolade / applause / approbation / commendation / ovation


020. ADMIRING -- (meaning) behavior that shows that you respect somebody/something

Synonyms for ‘Admiring’ --

chivalrous / considerate / courteous / deferential / gracious / respectful / reverent / reverential


021. ADROIT -- (meaning) skillful and accurate

Synonyms for ‘Adroit’ --

agile / deft / dexterous / natty / nifty / nimble / swift


022. ALARMING -- (meaning) causing feelings of fear and worry

Synonyms for ‘Alarming’ --

baffling / bewildering / confounding / disconcerting / disquieting / distressing / perplexing / puzzling / tormenting / upsetting / worrying
