Introduction What is a porpoise? What kinds of porpoises are there? Where do porpoises live? The history of porpoises and humans Harbor porpoise Vacquita Dall’s porpoise Burmeister’s porpoise Spectacled porpoise Finless porpoise Conclusion Author Bio Publisher
The porpoise, a relation of the dolphin, is a beautiful creature. It swims gracefully, much more than many humans, and is known to be fairly intelligent, like their cousin the dolphin.
Belonging to the same family as whales as well, the porpoise does not get that big in comparison. It is like a small whale in many ways.
Porpoises are also known as mereswine, which is from the French name for them, which basically means ‘sea pig.’ It’s from distorted French that we get the name Porpoise.
In this book, you will discover the differences between the seven kinds of porpoise, and the ways it differs from whales and dolphins.