Challenge Your Brain

Latest release: January 1, 2011

About this ebook series

 Challenge Your Brain Volume 1 is specially written for
primary 3 pupils preparing the GEP Selection Test. It is also a useful and
strategic tool for primary 3 and 4 pupils to build a sound foundation for future
Math Olympiad competitions.

The series is conceptualised by Loh Cheng Yee, an
experienced GEP educator and trainer for various Olympiad competitions. As an
educator and consultant, her vast experience includes teaching Elementary
Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Mathematics Olympiad in Catholic High
School and The Chinese High School (now the Hwa Chong Institution) for 18
years. She was also a member of the Question Committee of the Singapore-Asia
Pacific Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools, formerly known as the
Singapore Mathematical Olympiad for Primary Schools (SMOPS).