'Echo-man' is one of my first American anime-Manga comic books based on a superhero adventure. In the comic series, Echida Fukimura-Roberts is a Manhattan-based scientist and lab technician, who acquires such extravagant powers and skills as he transforms into Echo-man serving the city of New York and its citizens from the possible dangers that await; his arch-enemy, Broom-Blaakkk, who constantly threatens to destroy New York City.
Known as a super-maximum strength, sound-bender, the ultimate hyper-bred muscleman can use sound waves as a boomerang to send to potential threats and enemies to distract, manipulate, and harm them, or even destroy them.
Throughout his career, Echo-man encounters new-and-strange villains such as the half-human, half-tarantula-like figure called Cirrossian (pronounced Sir-O-jz-EN), Ferdinand Pisces, who control the ocean waves, with the help of his air-borne crew; Captain Falcon-eye (Colonel Falcon-eye) and Wind-catcher (Tornado).