This book was initially designed for Japanese learners, N5 to N3, but it's also suitable for people looking for a bilingual novel in Japanese and English. As a Japanese language teacher, I've always looked for appropriate materials for my students. They need to build vocabulary; I believe reading books is the best way. However, due to the limitation of word knowledge, stories are not fun. I am also a writer, and suddenly, I thought, "Why don't I make the material using my light novels?" The main character, Kevin Cartwright, visits Japan on a Working Holiday, and he falls in love with a Japanese woman who is a colleague of his Japanese best friend, Yukio. And Tomoko, almost a "Yandere" woman who loves Yukio, is involved in Kevin's life. The four main characters weave this story. Kevin enjoys living in Japan but wants to remain there after his expired visa. The readers would experience, through Kevin living in Tokyo, how to write a Japanese CV, manners, and culture. Through the stories, I introduce many idioms and expressions native Japanese use. It comprises 16 chapters, each with word lists and 20 JLPT practice tests. This book is also great for intermediate levels because they need to understand more natural living Japanese. The audible version comes soon! The learners can listen to the stories in both English and Japanese and practice pronouncing words. I hope you enjoy studying Japanese with this book!
The content
1. Japan, My Favorite Country <大好きな日本>
2. Dining Etiquette <食事のマナー>
3. How to Take a Bath <風呂の入り方>
4. Eating Fish with Chopsticks <魚をはしで食べる>
5. How to Write a CV/Resume <りれき書の書き方>
6. New Job <新しい仕事>
7. Interview <面接>
8. Love at First Sight <一目惚れ>
9. One-Sided Love <片思い>
10. Shopping at Large Electronics Store <大型家電店で買い物>
11. Payment <支払い>
12. Looking forward to the Double Date <ダブルデート楽しみ>
13. At Family Restaurant <ファミレス>
14. Strategy Meeting for the Double Date <デートと前の作戦会議>
15. Yandere and Hetare <ヤンデレとヘタレ>
16. I Want to Make the Next Move <次につなげたい>
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