Discover what goes in a natural first-aid kit, how to stop bleeding using a simple stick hack, and the key principles of first-aid in the wilderness.
Survival skills give you the necessary knowledge to keep yourself and those around you healthy and alive.
You’ll learn to:
· Set better boundaries and create a work–life balance that works for you
· value your worth and know how – and what – to charge
· stay focused and productive when working from home
· tackle the isolation that comes with self-employment
· grow your network and find new clients
· trust your instinct – and say no to the wrong work
· deal with comparisonitis and negative self-talk
This empowering guide is designed to help you stay safe while adventuring through the wilderness! Remember, like all things in life, practicing skills before you need them is important for mastering them.
Ask your friends and family to help you learn the skills in this book long before something goes wrong, so you can stay cool and collected no matter what turn your adventure takes!
Hi, my name is Michael Kidd. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.