Crystal healing was not confined to one culture or one land. Nor was the practice kept secret from the world. It was and is open for all to learn and experience the benefits.
A little preview of what you'll learn after reading this book:
· What are the best crystals to get started with
· What are chakras and their connection with crystals
· Cleansing, charging and programming your precious energy holders
· What are the physical and mental benefits of crystals
· And my favorite: meditating with crystals
Using crystal therapy is a non evasive form of treatment and as such provides one of the safest and most natural ways of holistic healing.
You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to attract just about anything you want in your life, and live a happier and more fulfilled life by the simple use of crystals.
Hi, my name is Jerome Styron. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.