It covers the following topics: von Neumann algebras arising from discrete measured groupoids, purely infinite Cuntz-Krieger algebras, filtered K-theory over finite topological spaces, C*-algebras associated to shift spaces (or subshifts), graph C*-algebras, irrational extended rotation algebras that are shown to be C*-alloys, free probability, renewal systems, the Grothendieck Theorem for jointly completely bounded bilinear forms on C*-algebras, Cuntz-Li algebras associated with the a-adic numbers, crossed products of injective endomorphisms (the so-called Stacey crossed products), the interplay between dynamical systems, operator algebras and wavelets on fractals, C*-completions of the Hecke algebra of a Hecke pair, semiprojective C*-algebras, and the topological dimension of type I C*-algebras.
Operator Algebra and Dynamics will serve as a useful resource for a broad spectrum of researchers and students in mathematics, physics, and engineering.