Among Manin’s numerous achievements are the proof of the functional analogue of the Mordell conjecture, the theory of Gauss--Manin connection, the proof with V. Iskovskikh of the nonrationality of smooth quartic threefolds, the theory of $p$-adic automorphic functions, and the theory of quantum computations.
Contributors in the first volume include:
K. Behrend
V.G. Berkovich
J.-B. Bost
P. Bressler
D. Calaque
J.F. Carlson
A. Chambert-Loir
E. Colombo
A. Connes
C. Consani
A. Dabrowski
C. Deninger
I.V. Dolgachev
S. K. Donaldson
T. Ekedahl
A.-S. Elsenhans
B. Enriquez
P. Etingof
B. Fantechi
V.V. Fock
E.M. Friedlander
B. van Geemen
G. van der Geer
E. Getzler
A.B. Goncharov
V.A. Iskovskikh
J. Jahnel
M. Kapranov
E. Looijenga
M. Marcolli
B. Tsygan
E. Vasserot
M. Wodzicki