Anissa Hodgson
Some very confronting but necessary truths. There was a tendency to generalise sin which seemed to consistently make you a sinner. If we all start out as babes and give according to our faith, then our growth in the love of Christ spurs us to live a life worthy of him. If Christ died for our sins then claiming to be a sinner after being saved is dishonouring to him. Galatians 5 vs 17 talks about the flesh and spirit being in conflict. When we consecrate our struggles to God the spirit will lead us but the flesh has to be tamed in doing so, this is often a journey in which God promises to never leave or forsake us. If you don't give (anything) out of love it's a religious act void of meaning which Paul refers to in 1st Corinthians 13 which is why God loves a cheerful giver. Life, love and revelation often lead you to a deeper understanding which proverbs states is the beginning of wisdom.
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Ajime Tom
As believers, we get to understand that everything we have comes from God. It is therefore a great favor that God has given us by creating needs in his work which we can contribute to for our own blessing. However, God does not accept the gifts of those who have rejected him. He is not poor and can do without our money. We therefore have to consecrate ourselves to God before we can be qualified to meet the needs of his work by our financial and material gifts. After consecrating ourselves totally to God and accepting to follow him all the way, we then have to consecrate everything we have to him. The book begins with a call to consecration, reminding us that consecration to Jesus is the most basic requirement for any spiritual service. The unconditional surrender of property and money to the one who owns all things is discussed next. The writer then reminds us that God is not a dustbin and will not accept anything less than our best. Having consecrated our wealth to God, we must then live as stewards, knowing that we are just managing his property for him. We must learn to bank in heaven, where there is no devaluation and interest rates do not vary. In a world plagued by egoism and hoarding, God is calling us to stand out as his children and invest for eternal gain. Just like the other books from this same author, the message is short, precise, concise and well written in very simple language. This book is a must read for every child of God. God bless us as we read prayerfully.
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Jamal Thompson
I love the money and cash animation so much in this wallpaper image of the cash and dollar bills raining down everywhere & I want all of this cash and dollar bills to be raining down on me everywhere all over the place one day in my life so I can be rich, wealthy and successful from all of this in luxury, heaven, utopia, peace, harmony & financial freedom swimming in all of this cash and dollar bills. This is the rich, wealthy and successful life I want here one day for myself!!! 💯👍🙏😄😄😄😄😄💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰