Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne is one of the founders of Revival Ministries International, The River at Tampa Bay Church, and River Bible Institute. He has over 4,455,706 views on YouTube, a Facebook following of over 152,700 with weekly posts reaching close to 3 million, and over 45,500 followers on Twitter and Instagram combined. His Great Awakening Broadcast airs six nights a week on CTN to an estimated audience of over 70 million households. Paul L. Williams is a journalist and the author of 15 books, including Among the Ruins: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Catholic Church, Crescent Moon Rising: The Islamic Transformation of America, The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia, which is being made into a movie series for AMC Network. He is the winner of three first-place Keystone Press Awards and has written articles for major news outlets, including USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, NewsMax, The Counter-Terrorist, and National Review.