Now, the perennial favorite is available in a convenient day-by-day reading format, helping us find our satisfaction in God, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence with each glorious new sunrise.
Beth Moore was born on an Army base in Green Bay, Wisconsin, during what her father describes as the worst thunderstorm the city had seen in five years. He affectionately says the Lord brought her into the world with a drum roll. The fourth child of a retired Army major and a homemaker, Beth was raised in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Her father managed the local cinema where each of her four siblings had a role to play. Beth’s job was to hand out samples of popcorn and soda. Growing up in the theater had its perks. Sometimes Beth would be allowed to slip into a movie and take with her a pickle bag full of popcorn and a Dixie cup of Coke.
There in a theater chair, wide-eyed and filled to the brim with Coca-Cola, Beth began a lifelong love for stories. She loved to tell them, write them, and be told them. The story that captured her heart and consumed her life, however, was not told in a movie theater. It was the story told in Sunday School of Jesus, a Savior who loved children and who thought she was special. A seed was planted in her young heart that would grow to mark her life with a passionate love for Christ.
At the age of 18, Beth sensed God calling her to work for Him. Although she couldn’t imagine what that would mean, she made it her goal to say yes to whatever He asked. Beth graduated from Southwest Texas State University with a degree in political science. She would later receive an honorary doctorate in humanities from Howard Payne University. She married Keith in 1978 and soon after the Lord added Amanda and Melissa to the family. As a young wife and mother, Beth served the Lord by speaking at luncheons and retreats, working at Mother’s Day Out, and teaching Christian aerobics.
A love for the Word of God was embedded in Beth’s life when she took a Bible doctrine class at her church. Her teacher was Buddy Walters, a former college football player who taught the Scriptures with tears streaming down his cheeks. She fervently prayed for such a passion for God’s Word. It was Buddy who first taught Beth, along with Keith, how to study the Bible.
Beth founded Living Proof Ministries in 1994 with the purpose of teaching women how to love and live on God’s Word. She has written numerous books and Bible studies, including Breaking Free, Believing God, and When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, that have been read by women of all ages, races, and denominations. Through the years, American missionaries and expatriates have taken the Bible studies overseas, resulting in Beth Moore Bible study groups popping up all over the world. Beth’s Living Proof Live conferences have taken her to thirty-nine states since 1994 and have been attended by more than 421,000 women. God has graciously given her the opportunity to speak to the body of Christ in many different countries, including Ireland, England, Singapore, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and India. With great joy, she began a radio ministry in 2004 called Living Proof with Beth Moore.
Ever the storyteller, Beth is known to pepper her teaching with stories and poems written from the perspective of pertinent characters. She communicates with great energy, passion, humor, warmth, and grace.
Beth attends Houston’s First Baptist Church, where she hosts an interdenominational Tuesday-night Bible study for women in her city. Because of her burden for unity in the body of Christ, Beth counts serving women of all denominations as one of her greatest privileges in life.
Beth and Keith praise God for 28 years of marriage. They enjoy traveling, hiking, drinking coffee on the back porch, eating Mexican food, making each other laugh, walking their dogs, Beanie and Sunny, and being grandparents. Amanda and her husband, Curtis, serve at a church in the Dallas area and have a one-year-old son named Jackson. Melissa, who shares her mother’s appreciation for the Greek language, is completing her Master’s degree in Biblical exegesis.