-First Part.
-Second Part.
-Third Part.
-Fourth Part.
-Fifth Part.
-Sixth Part.
-Seventh Part.
-The Lost Time.
-About the Author.
TAGS: Third World War, Apollyon, Rome, Babylon, Church, Jerusalem, Israel, Mark, Beast, 666, Antichrist, False Prophet, Plagues, European Union, New Roman Empire, Russia, China, Millenarian Kingdom, Redemption, Salvation, Christ, Globalization,Yahweh, Satan, Lake of Fire, Hell, United Nations, Resurrection, Prophecies.
Author's site location:
About the Author:
Alejandro Roque: Author, Translator and Publisher, was born in Havana, Cuba; and since 1994 he left for political exile in the United States, where he eventually became naturalized; and in later years has been devoted to his writings and books, including his love of nature and outdoor activities. An early ex-military jet pilot; here he graduated with a Master of Science (MS) at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), and with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU); both in U.S.A.
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