True faith takes God at his word. It sets before its eyes the awful scene on Calvary, the sinking head, the gushing blood, the open wounds, the dying words of the Son of God. It remembers that the Father is well pleased with the Son and his work, and through his finished work, he can be just and the justifier of the ungodly.
The man who thus believes in Jesus knows he is forgiven, not because he has been told in a dream or had it whispered to his soul by some mysterious voice, or flashed upon his mind by some sudden impression, but simply because God says it. To trust in my own impressions, feelings, and emotions is sheer fanaticism, but to trust in the testimony of God concerning his Son is highly rational. It is to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in us. Surely there can be no firmer foundation upon which an immortal soul can rest its hopes than the word of that God who cannot lie.
Robert Boyd was born on August 24, 1816, in Girvan, South Ayrshire, Scotland. When Robert was about fifteen years old, he went to hear a preacher who was plain and direct in his preaching, and it was then that Robert gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ. On April 6, 1840, Robert Boyd married Christina Forbes. Robert and Christina had nine daughters, one of whom died in infancy in Scotland. Upon moving to Montreal, Canada in 1843, Boyd began preaching, and later moved with his family to the U.S.A. Robert Boyd died at the end of August 1879, but his words live on.