Matthew Jacobs
Predictable and bland. They seem like they're trying to emulate the old horror comic books, but it falls flat in the attempt. They made edgier, more relevant comics 50+ years ago (seriously, if you ever read the old Tales from the Crypt, and similar comics, they crossed a lot of lines this comic is afraid to even hint at).
15 people found this review helpful
If this comic were released in the mid-90s, it would no doubt find a solid fanbase. In 2015 however, its handful of pages gleefully try to hit every trope it can from buxom blonde have a strategically torn top to a half-hearted display of violence and gore. Right from a cliche opening we launch into a very familiar story that attempts a ham fisted allegory and obvious message. The focus isn't on character, plot, or art, but on exploitation that isn't even bold enough to approach the line it wants to cross
160 people found this review helpful
Nico Colarusso
Far too short. By the time the story starts, the comic ends. Which is not enjoyable for the reader. What little there was, on the other hand, was fantastic. Mostly. The attempted use of the wind in one scene and the entire scene in the Forrest when the narrative takes over were not great. The use of narrative was poorly timed and made for filler to hurry the story towards it's premature, though inevitable, end. I will try another of the Grimm Fairy Tales series before being too harsh though.
23 people found this review helpful