Dr. Andrew Maynard is an author, physicist, and leading expert on the socially responsible development of emerging and converging technologies. His PhD is in Physics from the University of Cambridge, UK. For over twenty years he has worked closely with experts from around the world on the challenges and opportunities presented by technologies ranging from nanotechnology and genetic engineering, to artificial intelligence and self-driving cars. He was previously Chair of the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Emerging Technologies, and continues to work closely with the Forum on beneficial and responsible technology innovation. In addition to his academic work, Andrew is a prolific writer, communicator, and sought-after speaker. He blogs on technology and society at 2020Science.org, produces the YouTube channel Risk Bites, and is active on Twitter as @2020science. Dr. Maynard is currently a professor in the School for the Future of Innovation at Society at Arizona State University. He spends more time than any sane person should watching sci-fi movies.