The pioneer of value investing, Benjamin Graham, believed in a philosophy that continues to be followed by some of today's most successful investors, such as Warren Buffett. Part of this philosophy includes adhering to your stock selection process come "hell or high water" which, in his view, was one of the most important aspects of investing.
So, if a quant designs and implements mathematical models for predicting stock or market movements, what better way to remain objective, then to invest using algorithms or the quantitative method? This is exactly what Ben Graham Was a Quant will show you how to do. Opening with a brief history of quantitative investing, this book quickly moves on to focus on the fundamental and financial factors used in selecting "Graham" stocks, demonstrate how to test these factors, and discuss how to combine them into a quantitative model.
If you want to become a better investor, you need solid insights and the proper guidance. With Ben Graham Was a Quant, you'll receive this and much more, as you learn how to create quantitative models that follow in the footsteps of Graham's value philosophy.
STEVEN P. GREINER, Ph.D., has served as the senior quantitative strategist and portfolio manager for Allegiant Asset Management (now wholly owned by PNC Capital Advisors) and was a member of its Investment Committee. Prior to this, he was a senior quantitative strategist for large capitalization investments at Harris Investment Management. He has more than twenty years of quantitative and modeling experience. Currently, Dr. Greiner is the head of Risk Research for FactSet Research Systems. He received a BS in mathematics and chemistry from the University of Buffalo, an MS and PhD in physical chemistry from the University of Rochester, and attained postdoctoral experience from the Free University Berlin, Department of Physics.