Venkatesh Aiyer
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What would happen to the millions of animals Muslims sacrifice during Bakrid and by others? Do they live and die just to propitiate your wrong deeds to an imaginary god? Don't they have feelings like you do? Are their destiny to serve the interests of meat producers/consumers? A life originates by the union of a sperm cell and an egg cell. This is so with most animals and even plants ( gametes).In short, life is an accident amongst the millions of sperm cells in a single ejaculate! What happens to those millions of your brothers and sisters you had left behind? Don't you see the logic of this seeming waste of profligacy, that all lives are connected, life is sacred; a soulful -living is only in your hand? Life is perpetual and in abundance to be taken with death and decay. As day follows right, does life follow death. Only a man afraid of death will imagine an after-life and who is not? Only men have morals, hence men do have to think of death. You have a choice viz lead a life of morals or face death, nay - a life without morals is worse than death! But what are morals, every man, particularly, muslims should ask of themselves. Quranic morals or Christian/Jewish. ones? Who defined them? Your morals are not universal:: it differs from place to place. Your society was born in a desert and hence in scarcity while in America and other such states, it is in abundance. So, Quranic morals have no relevance to others, if, a big if, Quran and Mohammad has any morals to preach! The problem with Muslims is their passion and anger! They have no spirit of enquiry: they are gullible. The proohetization of Mohammad, through hadith, sunnah and other functions for profits and pilfer and pleasure, have gone on for centuries, it is difficult to reverse that course. Remember, it's scarcity that drives nations to wars . Buddha said scarcity or abundance is an imagined state of mind and unless you tap your unconscious mind you shall live in scarcity, even if you are surrounded in wealth! An engineer, a well-read and a moderate man like Irfan Alli, has such notions on Islam, who can blame the billion-odd poverty-stricken, ghettoised, indoctrinated minds of those ordiabary, moth-eaten Muslim minds? May Allah give them some human sense, if Allah exists in a jannat of his own! Amen!