Terry Pratchett meets Dr Who ... sort of.
As recently appointed delivery man for Big Merv, one of Ning Dang Po's most powerful crime bosses, The Pan of Hamgee is ordered to deliver a gift to Big Merv's current girlfriend. With a pair of bespoke-made, sapphire and diamond earrings on board, and a trip across the city in the offing, what could possibly go wrong? Everything.
This book is written and spelled in Britsh English, suggested cinema rating PG.
Contains moderate violence (a comedy punch up) and a dash of light swearing. Suitable for any reader of any age from 10 up - younger readers who have read all the Harry Potter books without any worries will be fine with the Hamgeean Misfit stories.
Close Enough is the third book in the Hamgeen Misfit, dystopian humorous science fiction series. It is set in a contemporary dystopia, in a parallel reality but there is some futuristic technology. There is an overall story arc, but these funny comedy stories are written to be stand alone and can be read in any order.
Q – What made you write this series?
A – If you want the honest answer I wrote it for me. As a reader, I love British satire and humor (or humour). I love wit; funny epic fantasy series like the Discworld novels and comedic sci fi like Douglas Adams. I like sff and speculative fiction, I like adventure and action and a gripping tale that zips along quickly, I like genre mash ups and I love an angsty dystopian world but the best science fiction and fantasy stories, for me, are funny. I am to write comedy in the tradition of all the great humorous British authors. I like to aim high. I wanted protagonists people could love and empathise with, mavericks, misfit characters, real people ... except they're not all people obviously, some of them are other alien (ish) species. This book is about misfit heroes and heroines winning the day, it’s about good versus evil even when the good guys are on different sides. It's dystopian science fiction fantasy action - it's dystopia but it's comedy, it's sci-fi but it's planet-based. You'll find all sorts of quirky characters and interesting alien species: from 6ft Swamp Things with antennae to cute furry creatures like the Blurpons, with their fluffy ears, big button eyes and penchant for extreme violence.
Oh, and there's this debrief scene ...
Robert Rankin, C Gockel, Patty Jansen, JJ Greene, FJ Savage, Heide Goodey, EM Foner, Robert Asprin, the Stainless Steel Rat and Space Team series.
Dystopian, dystopia, parallel universe, young adult literature, best science fiction, light novel, sci fi, coming of age, dry sarcastic humour, gallows humor, adventure stories, humorous books, epic reading, British humour, ya fantasy
M T McGuire enjoys the real world but wouldn't want to live there full time. That's why she writes books. She grew up, or at least got bigger, halfway up a windy down in Sussex. Her home was also the first location choice for Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films, so maybe it's not so strange that she's ended up writing spec-fic. Perhaps there's something in the water up there, apart from chalk.
After a short stint as a stand up comedienne, M T sat down, got married and moved to East Anglia. She now lives in Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk, with a McOther, a McMini, a McCat and a selection of very silly cars. She hasn't found a way to make any of the cars fly, and none of them is fitted with ordnance, but she and her team of evil scientists are working on that.
M T would like to be able to tell you she's an NY Times best selling author but that would be lying. Some of her books have won Wishing Shelf Awards though, a bronze and a silver.
Despite being over fifty now and supposedly an adult, M T checks all unfamiliar wardrobes for a gateway to Narnia. She hasn't found one so far but lives in hope.