Sara Koelsch (Next Book Review)
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Eleanor was a character I wanted to wrap my arms around. I felt like not only did she deserve a hug, but she needed a hug! She didn't deserve the crappy way she was treated for every day of her life. I hate to sound so cliché but it wasn't fair to her. It's even worse to be treated so unjustly by your own mother, your own sister. I really found Eleanor to be a relatable female character. Her plethora of mental health struggles alone made her a character most women will relate too. Her constant struggle with self-esteem was a vicious cycle. I think her food issues made her a character a lot of women are going to understand. There can be such a love-hate relationship for women with their food. Putting all of that aside, Sister Dear shows her struggle to maintain her mental health while trying to find those family relationships she has always dreamt of. She's really had a tough go of it lately and it seems like anything that can go wrong, will, and does. We get to see Eleanor at her breaking point. Now I didn't exactly feel like Sister Dear was a thriller or even suspenseful. I feel like it's more of a psychological women's fiction... is that a thing? It should be, because even though it wasn't what I was expecting, I enjoyed it a lot. It was a quick story that was bursting at the seam with emotions and struggles. I recommend Sister Dear if you like to dissect and think about the human mind, nature vs nurture and all those psychological aspects. I do, I have a degree in psychology after all. However, if you're going into this thinking it'll be a whirlwind thriller, I'm sorry to disappoint but it won't be. I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.