What is the most hopeful word in History? For Billy Graham, that word is SALVATION.
Billy Graham proclaimed God's Gospel with resolve and deep compassion. It is a message he preached for more than seventy years. And in this book you will sense its urgency, filled with hope for the future.
Salvation is what we all long for, when we are lost or in danger or have made a mess of our lives. And salvation belongs to us, when we reach out for the only One who can rescue us—Jesus.
The Reason for My Hope: Salvation presents the essence of that transformative message. It is biblical and timeless, and though simple and direct, it is far from easy. There are hard words, prophetic words, directed toward a culture that denies the reality of sin and distracts us from the veracity of Hell. But through its ominous warnings shines a light that cannot be extinguished—a beacon of hope that Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
Billy Graham, world-renowned preacher, evangelist, and author, delivered the Gospel message to more people face-to-face than anyone in history and ministried on every continent of the world in almost 200 countries and territories. His ministry extended far bydond stadiums and arenas, utilizing radio, television, film, print media, wireless communications, and thirty four books, all that still carry the Good News of God’s redemptive love for mankind.