Heather Machel
This had the perfect setting and story for a creepy and thrilling book. It all came together perfectly and had me analyzing all the dark shadows and slightest sounds in my house. There was a lot going on at Hanover House, even more than the psychopath inmates. There seemed to be trouble everywhere, and unraveling the web of mystery was fascinating. Brenda Novak's writing gave me chills and had my nerves on edge. I couldn't put it down, so I was up late reading this. If you have a hard time sleeping right after reading something hair-raising, you might want to save this one for daylight hours. Evelyn was a great character. Her past is always with her, and it must be exhausting to constantly be on guard, and analyzing everything. She goes through a lot in this book, and she experiences a huge range of emotions, but she keeps going. I really liked Amarok too. He is almost the opposite of Evelyn. He's younger and not as experienced, but he does well with the investigation. They make an interesting pair. I was also intrigued by the research and information in the book, as well as the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. They connected the story to reality for me, which added to the creep factor. I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
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Bette Hansen
It seems like forever ago that we first met Evelyn Talbot in Hanover House but finally we get the first full story in the series! The thrills and suspense continues as does the relationship between Evelyn and Amarok. The slow easy build of this relationship is perfect. Considering everything Evelyn has gone through anything else wouldn't have worked. Evelyn and Amarok are still at odds over Hanover house though. Amarok thinks the facility is bad for his community and that belief is confirmed when a woman's body is discovered. Evelyn fears it isn't so much Hanover house but her own past catching up with her. This is a highly suspenseful mystery with twists and turns that keep you guessing. And the ending - wow. Still have goosebumps! I definitely recommend this one.
Tawana Burgan
Her Darkest Nightmare continues the story of Dr. Evelyn Talbot and her work at Hanover House. The suspense only grows in each series. The storyline is so riveting and so real, you will shiver when Evelyn shivers. Just fair warning, this book will have you looking over your own shoulder .