Imon Biswarup
Very nice, I heard about Atlantis from my father 2 years ago. Atlantis was a beautiful Island nation situated just beyond the Pillars of Heracles. Atlantis was highly advanced, The city was divided into 3 concentric rings with each other connected with a harbour. At the centre was the temple of Poseidon and Cleito. Poseidon son Atlas ruled Atlantis. Many generations to generations ruled Atlantis. Atlantis was established around 160 Millennium BC. In 96 Millennium BC. Atlantians became greedy and invaded Europe so King of God's Zeus punished them by Earthquakes and Tsunami. And then Atlantis sanked . Many Historians, Archaeologists proved that Atlantis was real and not a fiction. In 1922 German Archaeologists Bonser and Sholten told that Atlantis was hidden under the muds of Southern Spain. In 1970 a old temple found in Central Spain. Archaeologists shocked when they found a stone scriptures where the Atlantis details mentioned. The site was named Cancho Roano. The Sphinx is also Built around 10,000 BC. So, Atlantis realy exist. Thank you. imonbiswarup.