Models: Jodie Pinker, Nastya, Eva Verbeck, Justyna Gradek, Sophia Saint, Mia Torres,
Photographers: Tymur Lashkhidze, Galina Tcivina, Vitalij Sova, Artur Kurjan, Dean Drobot, Artur Kurjan,
Vanquish Magazine is a leading International Glamour Magazine. Published Monthly with millions of readers worldwide. Gorgeous Glamour Lingerie Model Photos & Sexy Bikini Women Welcome to the Home of Vanquish Kittens and Kitten of the Month.
We cover major international events such as The International Bikini Model Search and Swimsuit USA. Vanquish Magazine also has a range of Special Editions including Glamour, Entertainment, Portraits, Automotive, Cosplay, Tattoo, Gorgeous Blondes, Busty Brunettes, Girls with Guns & Christmas Specials.
Vanquish has been running for about 7 years now, and has featured hundreds of photographers and thousands of models. including many famous models & photographers. Vanquish has similar photography, and many of the same photographers can be found in FHM Magazine, Maxim Magazine, Playboy Magazine, Kandy Magazine, Mancave Playbabes, and more, We do feature a lot of playboy models, united states models, european models from france, germany, italy and russia.
Occasionally Vanquish Magazine will partner with a major event company to showcase a special event. Hundreds of our photographers and models have been quickly swept up by other leading brands especially Playboy.
If you are interested in submitting to Vanquish Magazine as a model or photographer please see the Submissions link for Magsubmit below.
See our latest releases on Youtube:
Publisher Store:
Find our exclusive range of Vanquish Magazine Magazines.
Available as PDF Digital Downloads and Print on Demand by visiting our Magazine Publisher Store on Magforest.
Magazine Website:
On the Vanquish Magazine Website you will find. All of our latest issues, available as digital downloads and printed magazines. These are sold directly via Magforest. There is a subscription page where you can subscribe, this is the same feature as just below.
And you can view the entire Magazine Collection, which is the group of magazines that Vanquish Magazine is partnered with. Coming later this year we have our new Calendars and Merchandising ranges being launched. Fantastic Vanquish Magazine covers available as T-Shirts. These look amazing!
Magazine Submissions:
We also have a magazine submissions platform specifically for models and photographers called Magsubmit - Magazine Submissions Network. If you are a glamour photographer and would like to feature your photos in Vanquish Magazine visit Magsubmit and apply for photography submissions.
Photos must be high quality, and glamour photography, Magsubmit will also give you the opportunity to submit to multiple magazines easily. Ideal for publishing your work to millions of readers. We showcase Glamour, Automotive, Cosplay, Tattoo, Gorgeous Blondes, Busty Brunettes, Girls with Guns, Christmas Specials and more!
Social Media:
Join us on Facebook. We regularly publish our latest covers, teaser sets for the various models and photographers that appear in these issues. As well as exclusive photo sets from some of our models, Magazine Previews, and Youtube Videos are all available on our social media networks.
The Vanquish Magazine Facebook Page is our original and primary social media page, set up when the magazine was started. Instagram followed shortly after, then twitter, tumblr, pinterest, etc.dozens of social networks and affiliate websites.
Subscribe to Vanquish Magazine:
If you would like to subscribe to updates on latest Vanquish Magazine releases.
This will subscribe you by Email and you will be notified when Vanquish Magazine publishes a new issue.
Magforest - Online Magazine Newsstand:
Vanquish Magazine proudly uses Magforest for it’s online magazine distribution. This makes our magazines visible online, on mobile apps, affiliate websites, social media, search engines and more.
A Magzter Alternative and Zinio Alternative, also a very good alternative to Magcloud, Amazon KDP, Google Books, Joomag and Issuu. A Digital Magazine Newsstand and PDF Books distribution platform. Top Online Magazines, Download magazines, publish PDF self publishing best digital magazines.
Bestseller Digital Magazines, eBooks, Books under $10, and New Releases are all available on