For children who think text-based fractions are no fun and grown-ups who have never found the best visual resources to master basic maths fractions.
✓ Easy, logically ordered and illustrated with colour-coded shapes, images, words and basic equations
Visually teaches children and visual learners the fundamentals of shape and fraction association
✓ Covers all common fractions; halves, quarters, eighths; fifths, tenths; thirds, sixths and ninths - each from nothing to whole!
✓ Shows every fraction in 4 different ways: shape, fraction name, proper fraction and decimal fraction.
✓ For ease of understanding, maximum visualisation and completeness, compares similar fraction types.
— halves v quarters, quarters v eighths, halves v quarters v eighths ...
— To visually explain the principle of equivalent fractions.
✓ Illustrated with colour-coded shapes to develop learner's understanding of essential maths fractions
✓ Introduces and extensively employs the essence of equivalent fractions, decimal fractions, percentages and whole numbers using visual models.
✓ Compares fractions, equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
✓ Brief introductions to fractions and equivalent fractions.
✓ Quick quizzes to check learner's understanding and progress.
✓ Easy language and a lot of colour-coded shapes, simple maths language and fractions vocabulary.
Ages 5-11, Grades Kindergarten-5th grader or Year group 1-6 in primary education (infants, elementary and junior schools).
A perfect gift for a loved child, visual learner, kids with special educational needs, or someone who thinks text-based fractions are no fun.
Click the Buy Now button (top right of this page) to get a copy.
Also available:
Colouring workbook —
New Paperback (reading/textbook) —
New Colour paperback (reading/colour textbook) —
New Workbook (companion/exercise textbook) —
New Colour workbook (exercise textbook in colour) —
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Eng S Jama is an experienced electronics engineer turned an educational tutor and a self-published author of Visual maths Fractions for children (and grown-ups).
FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ is for children who think fractions are no fun and grown-ups who have never found the best visual resources to master basic maths fractions.
FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ makes mastering maths fractions Visual, Fun & Easy To Follow. For Visual Learner Folks™, Who Find Text-based Fractions No Fun.
Say goodbye to boring, text-based fractions and hello to playful, visual fractions.
FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ brings fractions to life thanks to innovative colour-coded visuals and engaging activities that make visual learners fall in love with fractions.
You want your child to enjoy learning and succeed in essential maths fractions.
As an experienced educational tutor, the author observed how children and even adults struggle with basic fractions for years.
Hence, the creation of FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ to make maths fractions Visual, Fun & Easy To Follow for visual learners.
This has helped countless children and parents to ‘easily follow’ fractions and “understand a whole lot better” with confidence including those who ‘hated maths and never understood fractions’.
Now, it’s your child’s turn to have fun with fractions!
• Explore colour-coded charts, illustrated diagrams, visual fractions and excellent introductions that turn fractions into fun.
• Follow simple, step-by-step instructions and visuals that break down understanding, adding and subtracting fractions into easy-to-follow steps.
• Discover how fractions are relevant to everyday life using fractons story and kids characters to fuel your child’s love for learning fractions.
• Engage in hands-on activities such as colouring fractions shapes, filling blank spaces and quick quizzes that transform learning fractions into educational adventure.
• Say goodbye to fractions frustrations and hello to FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ to master maths fractions in a few hours. That’s a solid promise, not a sales pitch!
Plenty of perfect gifts for a loved child, visual learner, kids with additional or special educational needs, or someone who finds text-based fractions no fun.
FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ is for ages 5-11, grades kindergarten-5th grader or year group 1-6 in primary education (infants, elementary and junior schools).
Also, ADDING FRACTIONS STEP-BY-STEP for students and older learners struggling with adding fractions.
I sometimes offer free educational stuff on author website @
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