The leader is the one who pays the greatest price increasingly. You cannot neglect that which raised you to leadership and expect to remain as the leader. You became the leader because you loved and sought God. You were constantly in His presence. You were loyal to the leadership above you.
If any of these things are now history, then you have lost the things that matter.
If you are moving on today by virtue of the price you paid in the past, then you may have been demoted within the years from spiritual leadership.
If your input now is regrettably small, then it could be that you are no longer God’s leader.
There are leaders who have lost their position before God and before man. Physically, they may still stand before man, but the leadership has moved hands. Some have moved aside even physically.
With vivid examples from Scripture—such as Reuben, Eli, Moses, king Saul, Barnabas, etc.—the author shows clearly that talents, spiritual gifts, and a fine personality are no guarantee that a spiritual position will be retained.
In the end, the author paints a portrait of how to jealously guards one's position and place in God’s heart.