Sweeping Subnets, Saddle Maps, and Complex Analysis
Formalizing Mechanical Analysis of Sweeping Nets I
Formalizing Mechanical Analysis of Sweeping Nets II
Generalizations of Sweeping Nets in Higher Dimensions
Formalizing Mechanical Analysis of Sweeping Nets III
Formalizing Mechanical Analysis of Sweeping Nets IV
Analyzing Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function Using Sweeping Net Methods
Proof of Riemann Hypothesis Using Set Theoretic and Sweeping Net Methods
Conjecture on Perfect Numbers
Integration of Tensor Fields with Angular Components: An Analytical and Computational Study
Optimization Paths for Energy Numbers
Cone Formation from Circle Folding: A Comprehensive Analysis
Defining π via Infinite Densification of the Sweeping Net and Reverse Integration
Non-Commutative Scalar Fields
Generalized Theory of Group Integration
Math of Ghosts, Phantoms
Fractal Morphisms and the World Sheet
formalizing mechanical analysis mechanical analysis sweeping nets sweeping subnets infinity analysis complex analysis geometry mapping functor di-cone di-cones two-cones optimization paths for energy numbers energy numbers numeric energy pi fractal morphisms stability perturbation robustness topology visual example differntiability circle cone closed interval convergence uniform conformal jacobian approximation error lower-order derivative talyor series taylor expansion manifold boundary extension vectorization parallel processing load balancing memory management degenerate directions combined approximation constructing error estimation singularity reflection principle morse function tubular neighborhood hypercone fractals riemann hypothesis proof of riemann hypothesis set theory integrand