Margaret Doner has been channeling messages from the angelic realm both in group settings and private sessions for many years and publishes a monthly email newsletter entitled “Archangels Speak” which contains transcripts of her group channeling. Besides channeling the angels directly Margaret also teaches workshops throughout the country on how to connect to your angels and spiritual guides to help others acquire the tools they need to hear and speak the messages they are receiving. She is also the author of numerous books including, “Archangels Speak,” “The Children of Angels: A Modern Day Fairy Tale,” and “Infinite Darkness/Infinite Light.” A DVD entitled, “Archangels Speak,” was produced by Penny Price Media to visually support her work and a CD, “Archangels Sing,” is available to assist others to understand the energy and tasks of the major Archangels. She is a licensed massage therapist since 1990 and past life regression therapist since 1996 when she became certified through Roger Woolger’s, Ph.D (author of Other Lives, Other Selves) Deep Memory Process program. Currently she and her husband Chris own the healing center, Partners in Massage, in Hyde Park, NY.