The book critically analyzes the psychological ramifications of perpetual connectivity, while dissecting the intricate web of misinformation propagation and its societal repercussions. With an incisive lens on privacy issues, group dynamics, and hate speech, this book champions the cultivation of digital literacy and healthy online habits. Drawing from a rich tapestry of insights, it offers pragmatic strategies for responsible WhatsApp usage, steering towards an inclusive, ethical, and user-centric digital future.
Mr. C. P. Kumar is a retired Scientist 'G' from National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, Uttarakhand, India. He is also a Reiki Healer and Chakra Balancing practitioner (with pendulum dowsing) and offers Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to help individuals with emotional issues. Mr. Kumar has authored many books on technical, spiritual, and social topics. For further details, you may visit his webpage