Memories fade, but when they’re ripped from your mind, they leave a gaping hole. That empty cavity tugs and threatens to swallow me up; its edges erode away as my mind picks at it like a week-old scab.
On a journey to find lost memories, travel to a reality where lost things go: a world of misplaced treasures and things best forgotten. Dangers lurk in the dark, and lost hopes light the way.
Welcome to Desiderium.
Born on a lonely outpost nestled among the far reaches of the stars, W. B. Biggs grew up searching for cosmic space wizards. Looking for magic, he found it nestled safely between words.
His wife and children remind him of the majestic magic that binds all reality together in a complex weave of beauty. He currently resides on an obscure branch of the great tree Yggdrasil which roots burrow deep into the Mississippi soil.