They were named Rachel and Leah, and their two handmaidens, Zilpah and Bilhah. Here we focus on the two central women in Jacob's life; Rachel and Leah, the sisters he married. When two women are married to the same man, it is easy to imagine the many problems that probably occur in this household, dysfunctionality being at the top of the list. The story only gets better as you continue to read; the more you read, the more you discover what this story is all about. Both Rachel and Leah are considered among the great women of the Bible. If you go to the book of Ruth 4:11, you will see what the witnesses exclaimed to Boaz when he married Ruth; it says, "And all the people that were in the gate, and the elders, said, We are witnesses. The ELOHIM make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel: and do thou worthily in Ephratah, and be famous in Bethlehem:" They were saying, may this woman be like Rachel and Leah; may she be a great blessing like these women. Leah, Rachel, and their two handmaidens bore the children that became the twelve tribes of Israel. Here is the order of their birth:
Leah's first set of children:
• Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah
Bilhahs children: Dan, Naphtali Zilpah children:
• Gad, Asher
Leah's second set of children:
• Issachar, Zebulun, (Dinah)
Rachel's children: • Joseph, and Benjamin
Two wives, two handmaidens, twelve sons, and one daughter were born to Jacob. It is a fantastic story, but there is a catch. You will never lose interest in the story of Jacob and his two wives, and it will answer the question that has haunted many people over the centuries; If Jacob hated Leah so much, why did he continue to have so many children with her? This dramatic story is a real page-turner; romance, deception, and cruelty are just some words that describe this epic story. Jacob pays for his bride and will more than prove his devotion and love for Rachel. But what about Leah? Consider scrolling up. clicking the buy now. and reading this book immediately
Unknown Hebrew is a Forth Tribe tried and true Hebrew Israelite. Like many of us, I started in the halls of Christian doctrine; however, my desire to learn more about the script increased, and I was led back to where it all began — the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Since then, I have not looked back; every day, I study, write, and read the word; while asking for understanding. Some wonder why I go by the pin name; Unknown Hebrew; for me, it is a way to keep the spotlight off me and on YAHUAH, our ELOHIM. Here is what YAHUAH wants us to achieve while on Earth.
Read the scriptures to understand the ways of our ELOHIM.
Study to show yourself approved.
Take on the ways of the Order of Melchizedek.
Spread the gospel to Israelites worldwide.
Wait for our King and High Priest YAHUSHUA to return.