Michele Battista
Pepper continues Sully and Jinx’s story in ways you never expect The continuing story of Jinx and Sully will blow any preconceived notions on how you think this story will go as you will never expect what happens in Twice a Wish! Pepper is the queen of the unexpected and Sully and Jinx prove what a great storyteller she is! All I can say is I am left waiting for Third a Kiss and it can’t arrive soon enough. Bravo Pepper for making your readers hating to turn the last page!
3 people found this review helpful
Lorraine Castro
This is the first time I've ever rated, or even left a comment, for anything I've ever read. Aside from Victorian British classics, as well as GRRM, no one else has ever ensnared me with their writing as Pepper Winters!!! I have read and loved EVERYTHING she has written, and this time is no different! I would say more but I'm 2 glasses of pinot in, so I'll just say this, 'She's my author elixir!'
1 person found this review helpful
AJ Marks
This series is going to kill me, dead! It's a tantalizing, sizzling and intoxicating tale about a Goddess and her spirit, resilience, and power, unlike any other Goddess on the Island. Jinx always seems to find within herself exactly what she needs, and she is a force to be reckoned with, she truly is a Goddess not just to herself but to others as well. "Euphoria" is a special place, a fantasy brought to life by a monster, and this monster controls everything but what happens when this monster loses his control over himself and let's go? Who will survive the storm? What will happen to all the creatures big and small? Come on Third a Kiss this series is a must-read! Pepper Winters has outdone herself again! So excited for you to read this series!
6 people found this review helpful